Monday, May 22, 2006

Katherine Harris Could Surprise us...

Cross-posted from dailykos, May 11, 2006

Prior to the 2000 election.. Thought I had a good track record for forecasting political stuff.

But through 2000 then 2004, I have been in this parallel universe to which we've all been somehow wisked. Now, I take nothing for granted.

I do not want to rain on our (chuckling) parade in this diary, but.. since 2000 I've learned to never, never underestimate the enemy, especially one with 10 million bucks and in today's 'red' Florida.

Senator Nelson and others need every bit of help we can give him.

We ought to make absolutely certain Katherine Harris is really history.

" ..Let's Get Katherine Harris 'Coming and Going'..! "

by Spuddie5348 on Thu May 11, 2006 at 03:05:04 PM EDT


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