Monday, May 22, 2006

DCCC Interference Intensifies

# Cross-posted from MIKLB'S Mindless Ramblings May 15, 2006, Confirms: Jennings also has the open support of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)

DCCC’s interference and meddling in local district primary-election processes is both unconscionable and indefensible.

It creates dissent and divides our forces at precisely the moment when we all must share unity-of-purpose… which is to turn this district blue with the most electable, true Democrat and not a former Republican turned latter-day-Dem who can self-finance… and who is already being referred to as “Katherine Harris Lite”.

The DCCC and its agents are undermining Schneider’s true grassroots candidacy which would represent - fairly - all the people in FL-13.

She is eminently qualified, has proven her worth, ‘earned her stripes’ in 2004, has the best name-recognition, strong local support, is a life-long campaigner for progressive causes (..formerly known as Democratic causes..).

This Rahm Emanuel-sanctioned scheme denies FL-13 voters their right to freely determine their own primary-election matters.


At May 23, 2006 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cross-posted from JurassicPork.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:29:59 AM, dsa said...

Just in case a clever Democratic staffer of a money-raising Dem big-wig [or perhaps a staffer friend of said big-wog Dem staffer] should happen to read this post, please note that I am another Dem who is putting MORE MONEY than I have ever before donated to Dems - BUT I AM NOT SENDING THESE FUNDS TO DEM PARTY FUNDRAISERS. Ever since the Hacket Debacle, I have begun scoping out individual Dems. Whenever I find a good individual Dem runing ANYWHERE - and then learn that THE PARTY IS SPENDING HARD-EARNED DEM CONTRIBUTIONS TO DEFEAT that NON-INSIDER in Dem PRIMARIES? - BOOM - I send money to the non-insider.

We all know about Lamont. NOW CHECK OUT JAN SCHNEIDER in Florida. Bright, well-versed, great background for DOING GOOD on our behalf in congress - AND she did well on almost no money IN HER LAST RUN in a Republican stronghold.

SCHNEIDER's ONLY PROBLEM? --not a party insider. RESULT? -the party is spending OUR money trying to defeat Schneider in the primary.
SEND SCHNEIDER SOME MONEY - LET her rising warchest show our party that the PEOPLE are the base of the party and NOT the Washington insiders.


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